Welcome to this guide!
I created this site based my own desire to keep track of the active players in the Vancouver Tech start-up world. As a long-time member of the local tech industry, but as a newcomer to the start-up scene, I was looking for a menu of the local resources. There were a number of other sites that did part of what I was looking for, but none played the role of a broad category-based overview guide that I saw in “hitchhiker’s guides” in other tech communities.
In this guide, I have tried to include only things that are at least in some way specific to the Vancouver tech community. I didn’t include general tech, start-up, or entrepreneur resources since there are lots of other good lists already.
This site represents my own reasonably impartial views. The site is not sponsored and does not reflect the views of any organization.
Please feel free to send me any comments, suggestions, etc.
All the banner photos on the site were taken by me (the somewhat fuzzy title shot was taken out a plane window leaving YVR).
If you’re interested more generally in what makes a great start-up community, check out Brad Feld’s book Startup Communities. This Tim O’Reilly quote could be used as summary of the book’s most important point: “Create more value than you capture.” Let’s all keep that advice in mind as you work and interact with people within our community.